Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Family Research Amazing Hobby for Young & Old

Family research amazing hobby for young & old family members. Children do love to hear stories as much as the older family members will enjoy telling them.

My mother Gladise Hextall nee Hall

What better way is there to bond and unite a family than giving your family the knowledge of their family ancestry? A family tree along with your family genealogical source records is a lasting family legacy that will be treasured tour family tree will grow with every passing year.
Need a little help with your own family tree research ? leave your family genealogy questions here, I will get back to you a.s.a.p.
Over the years in my position as a family genealogy researcher I have heard the same thing over and over again I WISH I HAD ASKED MY ---- now they are no longer here and now sadly I or my family will never know the answers to the questions I wanted to ask.
Everyone should sit down NOW and talk to their older family members for the detail they can tell of their lives and your own family history are priceless, go through each of the boring? family photo albums with them, note on the back of each interesting snap shot details of the content of the photo this must be done now it is not just for your own benefit but for the benefit of your families future generations yet to come. Most of my own family are now sadly away.
I still come across old photo's of my own family members and I don't have a clue who is in the snap or where it was taken so it's sad I to have failed.
want to know


How to start your family ancestral records & UK ancestry research. Firstly have a BIG focus point and a small family genealogy research goal.

Don’t be tempted to try and go back too far in one go
Go back in small steps.
Remember the most satisfying family tree is based on facts.
1   What do I already know about the family or persons I wish to research?

2   How do I know this?
  • I have family letters / notes
  • Family documents / Births, Deaths, Marriage, (B.D.M) certificates etc.
  • A family member said so? Do listen but always confirm with documented evidence before adding this data to your records.

3   What do I want to know?
  • Did they marry and where.
  • Was there any children.
  • Where did they live?
  • What work did they do?
  • Were they in the armed forces

4   Where do I find It.? Below are the main sources of family documents records
  • Marriage Certificate
  • Birth records
  • Baptism/ Christening records
  • Death records
  • Probate records
  • Will and testament
  • First World War/ military records i.e. draft, pensions, medals, military burials
  • Personal family letters / documents
  • Census reports 1911. 1901, 1891, 1881, 1871, 1861, 1851, 1841.
  • England & Wales B.D.M registry 2007-1937. Can be researched free on-line freebmd.org.uk/
  • Scottish B.D.M registry 2014-1855 can be researched on-line (fee charges)

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

New UK-Genealogy.com Website Flyer


I am a  UK based genealogist, I am offering in depth UK ancestry research and reliable UK genealogy research services. 

Helping you to link to your families past by providing you with a trusted and proven genealogical records of your family lineage dating back to the early 1800's and further if records allow.
UK-Genealogy.com provides you with a large variety of family history UKresearcher services, costs and genealogy UK research packages.
All research packages include a scrolled family surname history chart, family tree UK chart, C.D disc containing your full UK family tree and your genealogy UK source records ready to be uploaded to your computer.
Also included with the package are two quality document hardback binders one binder with gold Family History embossed on the front cover holding your family ancestry / genealogy report which normally contains around 100+ pages of your UK family tree details and the second holding your records of genealogical source data i.e B.D.M certificates, census records and family genealogy documents.
These family genealogy documents will then go on to be a treasured family UK ancestry legacy that will be passed on within your family from generation to generation.
If you would more details about myself / my research services or maybe you would just like a copy of my flyer do get in touch and I will be happy to forward a copy to you.

Ian Hextall
e-mail ian@uk-genealogy.com

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Family history research is a great pastime for old and young family members.

Family history research is a great pastime for old and young family members.
TODAY is the time to start researching your own family history as tomorrow is all to often too late.
I hear the same thing over and over again while carrying out genealogy research
Sadly now they are no longer here and I will never know the answers to the questions I wanted to ask.
Everyone should sit down NOW and talk to their older family members as the details they can tell of their own lives and your family history are priceless data.
One very important job to do with your grans, grandfathers etc. is to go through each of your families photo albums with them and note on the back of each interesting photo shot details of the content of the picture.
This family history project must be done now not just for yourself but for your families future generations yet to come.
How many of you have looked at old family photos and asked family members the question who is this and no one around in the family has a clue.
Most of my own family are now sadly away but I still come across old photos of family members and I don’t have a clue who they are? So sad to have to say I to made the above mistakes.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Family memories don't lose them

Now is the time to start researching your own family history don't put it off till tomorrow as all to often it can be to-late.
I hear the same sentence over and over again during the course of my genealogical research
But sadly now they are no longer here now I will never know the answers to my family questions I much wanted to ask.
Everyone should sit down NOW and talk to their older family members. These senior family members will really love to tell you the story of their lives and details of your own family history believe me their memories are priceless family records.
Be patient and go through each of the family photo albums with them, note on the back of each interesting photo the details of the photo's content i.e. names, dates and places.
Don't' wait this must be done now this family history research process is not just for yourself but for your families generations that are yet to come.
Most of my own family are now sadly away but I still come across old photo's of Hextall family members and I don't have a clue who they are so I learnt my rules above the hard way.